What you focus on expands. It's a catchy phrase that everyone likes to use these days..... but we are left with the feeling that it is something 'ethereal' and too 'woo woo' to be taken seriously. Even if we take it seriously, we don't really know what it means or how it works - except that we do. It's actually rather simple and straightforward and we understand the process already.
If you focus on making yourself a sandwich, unless you get distracted half way through and forget about it, you will indeed have a sandwich when you are finished. The quality of the sandwich will depend on the ingredients you have at hand and how much effort you put in to assembling it.
If you focus on having beans in the garden, and you plant the seeds, you will eventually have beans in the garden to eat. This example, though, takes more time to manifest and is influenced by several external conditions that you may or may not have control over. It has to be the right season to get the right temperature for the seeds to sprout and grow. Even then, if it is warm when you plant them but turns too cold or hot, you may not have success with the sprouting. If they do sprout, you still have to give them the time to grow at their own speed. We accept this. We even go out of our way to be prepared to help them along by making certain that the ground is full of nutrients that beans need and that we have water accessible to give them a drink. If the weather is unpredictable we may also have plastic to protect them on nights too cold, or something to shelter them on days too hot and dry. We know the process and accept the ups and downs that go with the waiting. We understand and accept that sometimes the process is more successful than other times.
When it comes to personal things that are less tangible - big things that require more effort, planning, or co-ordination of parts and pieces, we fumble along doing our best to make it happen. When it doesn't happen right away, or even soon, we give up. Frustrated and grumbling, we tell ourselves that the process doesn't work.
Really it does. Like the sandwich, you have to focus on it until the process is complete, and you have to be prepared with quality ingredients. Try it out with simple, short term things. Something you want to have or do that won't take too long to come to fruition. An outcome not controlled by too many outside influences. Pay attention to the process. You will see that it does actually work. If you have a grand dream, break it down in to small pieces. Ones you can accomplish without waiting forever for completion. Stack them up, one by one, and they will lead you closer to your dream. Those tiny seeds will expand in to a full grown dream if you keep at it, but the dream may also bend and morph into something you hadn't envisioned in the beginning, as external factors influence the parts and pieces along the way.
When this happens, you can begin to plant seeds for a fresh start, or, sometimes, what you end up with is much more magnificent than you could have imagined at the beginning
