A beautiful big plant pot at my Mother's house, growing an African Violet with leaves and flowers the size I've never seen before. Deep, vibrant blues and soft cream, green, and brown colour its design. The violet seems to thrive and flourish in a way unknown to the other violets in her home. Perhaps she tends this one just a little more lovingly - the pot was her Mother's before this, and perhaps will be mine one day, or my sister's, or one of our daughters', for us to lovingly tend its contents with just such reward as she feels when she catches sight, out the corner of her eye as she passes, and stops to admire.
It was not a perfect pot, although when it was first built by Minton, it came very close to being. Somewhere in its life it earned a crack, but it was loved none-the-less.

A very quick sketch one day, sitting in the sunshine on Mother's couch. It doesn't show here, but the width across was about 10 inches... so you can judge the size of the leaves from that. Gorgeous plant in a gorgeous planter.
To me, it has always been a reminder of how something that often goes unnoticed can blossom and increase in size and importance when surrounded by love and attention.