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I'm a daydreamer. I ponder curiosities, take pictures, and doodle. I get pholosophical and muse about nature. Some of the thoughts and things will end up here. Take them as you find them, and if you don't agree, that's fine. You may wish to look elsewhere. If you find a resonance, that's awesome. Come on back for more.


You don't actually need a picture of me to see what I look like - I'm not here to 'brand myself', but I AM a real person. My desire is to put my thoughts and feelings down, and perhaps someone out there will see things in a new or different way.


When I first started this series of posts, people were still in the 1 minute scan mode. Scan through what was written - pick out the informative parts - move to something else. Trying to cram as much as possible into the brain so nothing would be missed.

Now that the entire world is in crisis, people are in lock-down, I thought perhaps I should give you something more substantive to read - now that you actually have the time to absorb what you have in front of you. Perhaps you will find an interest in something new and explore it at your leisure.


I have drawn, painted, and photographed most of my life. At some times more prolifically than others, moving from one medium to another as the need arises. At some stages I yearn for detail and draw in pencil or ink. In other times I have a desire to throw paint at large canvases and let it do its work. Then other times I have a yearning to capture that which is around me, seeing it in a new and unusual way through the lens of the camera. I want to bring things into being with my hands. Tactile things like clothes, cushions, or jeweller. My mind is always dreaming up new things to create.

You'll find me outdoors as often as I am able to be, watching bugs, birds, and animals - feeling the sun or breeze on my face. Breathing in the moisture of foggy days. Listening to the snow squeak beneath the weight of my footsteps. Hearing raindrops falling on a tin roof or a stream rushing to the sea. These hours allow me to connect the birds and the bugs with the plants and the earth, and the environment around me - including the changes in season and weather. This all shows up in my work one way or another.

When I am behind the camera lens I love to get up close and personal. That is my most enjoyable momet. I look into a flower or seed head and it morphs into something entirely different. I see splashes of colour and shapes. I see texures and patterns that I hadn't noticed before. It's a different world and I find it fascinating. It brings together the play of light and reflections; the mathematics and geometry behind light, reflection, and form. The deeper you go, the less you see of the obvious form and more of the construction behind it.

When I paint, it is more a case of connections. The conntection between parts of the landscape and how they function. The connection between my thoughts and what I read about people in other places. How I react to my environment and how other people react to theirs. The connection between the environment and my reaction to it. How does it make me feel? Does it make my happy? Does it feel mysterious? Does it calm me, as I look out on the distance at pastoral fields? Am I mesmerized by the play of light upon the water, or how the sun catches a particular spot on the landscape or petal on a blossom. These are the things that draw me in. I want to capture them and share with you. I hope you enjoy.

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Colours available on ImageKind
Now 3
Fire Dancer
FireDancer - Acrylic

Please also feel free to check out what products I have available on See the few samples below.


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Start your morning with a mug that reminds you of the peaceful easy feeling of sitting at the riverside on a big old rock, watching the water journey to the sea. Breathe deep!

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