Ran in to an acquaintance today. The conversation centred around the dreary, dismal weather.
Yes, it is dull, I thought. Yes, it is damp. But look how the mists roll over the mountain tops. Look how the haze softens all the colours into a monochromatic landscape. Look how the sharp edges and deep shadows are softened, how the near and distant fuse into a linear view. Listen how the sounds are muted and bounce from all directions. The mists wrap around and enfold you - leave droplets of revitalizing moisture on every thing. See how the plants perk up. Feel your skin soak up the moisture and become fresh and alive as your lungs breathe deep the heavy air that quenches parched vesicles and cleanses impurities. Perhaps we do not see much blue sky - but when the sun does poke through here or there it puts such a glorious spotlight on that tiny smidgeon of planet-space. It is truly wondrous. Too bad she missed it.