Although there is traffic whizzing past in a constant stream not far away, I can still hear the birds. The song birds are singing, wood peckers are tapping, meadow larks call, jays squak, and a large flock of noisy geese flew overhead on their way north. As I sit, I find myself relaxing - letting down the barriers - releasing the tension that has built up by masking, sterilizing, and trying to maintain my distance. It feels good. I've taken some pictures, checked the stages of the chokecherry, saskatoons, oregon grape, and taken a long, deep breath smelling the wild roses in bloom. I've noted the stalks of new growth shooting upwards from the ends of the pine branches; taken some lingering glances at the craggy cliffs in the distance; looked for sheep or deer standing on the ridges. I would love this atmosphere, every time I step out my door, greeting my senses. It fills me up. It soothes my soul. I feel that even while society is falling apart, much of the world is still right.
It gives me hope.

It gives me the energy to carry on.
As I see two eagles soaring in the clear blue sky, I am reminded to not become complacent or beaten down by the circumstances we find ourselves in. I must find a way to continue doing what needs to be done to carry me forward, no matter how uncomfortable it may be in the moment. No matter how weary I may be of the challenges. If the plants and the animals want to survive, they must continue to grow, blossom, produce seed, build nests, feed their young to the best of their ability in the environment they are in. And, in the process, they benefit others in the cycle.
So I gather up the serenity these hours in nature bring me, and with this comforting blanket to shield me, I go home to continue, and hope in doing so, somehow it will benefit others.

Beautiful sentiments marilyn. Think of you often and love peeking in at your world once in a while.