It's a new world
time for new beginnings
Karma is complete
all debts and obligations are satisfied
all pressure is released
with peace and gratitude
with love and light
to be transmuted
at the centre of the Universe
Clear and delete
through all time, space, dimensions, and realities
through all blood lines,
past, present, and future
the energies
that are not working
for highest and best good of all.
It's a new world
a new day
time to live new lives

When I first doodled this I had no idea how relevant it would become to me. It was a doodle as I was thinking things through. I had no intention of posting it anywhere. When we make it out the other side of this global crisis, I feel it definitely will be a new and different world. We will need to begin things anew. Hopefully we will change some of them. We have some quiet time right now to consider how we would like the end result to look. Perhaps when things start to relax again, there won't be as many hurdles to jump in setting new agendas for how our life should look going forward if some of the current systems don't have quite such a firm grip on how things proceed. The ideas we want to consider, I suppose, would be what work we do; how we do it; what is ultimately the most important in our lives; how we want to spend our time in general.
For myself, I know I would like to spend more time working from/at home. I would like that because then, if I want to take advantage of gorgeous weather to go out and take pictures, or even just go for a walk, I can decide to do that and continue the inside work later. Breaks would be of my own choosing when I feel I need them, whether it is to contemplate my next step or just sit and relax for a moment. No more rushing and running from one thing to the next with no time to think or appreciate.
Hi Marilyn,
Thanks to your comment on my blog, I got to click on your name and follow you here. And what a pleasure it is!
Your sites are always SO aesthetically beautiful. The atmosphere always calm, serene, almost magical. I know it's a cliché, but this site, like all your other sites before it, is an oasis.
Your doodle/poem reflection is totally what I've been thinking about during my solitary confinement. And I do 'feel' how things will change, have already changed, and will keep on changing in order to readjust the energy on this planet. I believe the young people will be the most affected by these strange times we're in... and they will figure out a way…